
Tunisian Olive Oil ranks among the best internationally 

Tunisian Olive Oil ranks among the best internationally 

Tunisian Olive Oil ranks among the best internationally 

 According to  the International Council Oléicole  “ Mario Solinas 2022” ranking, Tunisian’s olive  oil has been shortlisted among the best oils. In this competition Tunisia obtained 6 medals including 2 gold ones, destined for the quality of its virgin oil. Both medals have been seized  by Sfax Company and Rajhi Ferjani Industrial Alimentary Company. However, silver medals have been accorded by Zaghouan Biolive company and Nour El  Ein, Sfax.Tunisia American Olive Oil Company, Kef and Fendri Domain Company, Sfax obtained bronze medals each. 

At the end of January 2022, the olive oil  production reached its highest. Based on the National Observatory of Agriculture balance sheet  the olive oil exportation reached 32%. In addition to that, the price of  virgin olive oil reached 3,2 €/kg compared to Spanish olive oil. 

Therefore, the win of a competition on an international scale is an asset. First, this enhances our country’s  economy and strengthens the ties between  international  partners. Tunisia has to keep up with its high quality products.

Picture of Nesrine Jeddi
Nesrine Jeddi

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