
Junior Enterprise : empowering 1700 young entrepreneurs for a brighter future

Junior Enterprise : empowering 1700 young entrepreneurs for a brighter future

Junior Enterprise : empowering 1700 young entrepreneurs for a brighter future

It was long said that no segment in the society can match the power, idealism, enthusiasm, and courage of the young people. Therefore, there is no doubt that the future of a strong nation lies in the hands of its youth, that precious time of life when every one of us is bursting with passion. 

In order to assure a prosperous future for our country, we must first empower our youth, and that is how the idea of the “Junior Enterprises” was born.

What is Junior Enterprise ?

Established in 1967, the Junior Enterprise is a non-profit association founded and run entirely by students in many universities. They form a consulting organization that provides multiple services, for different clients, based on the university’s area of expertise.

This valuable concept appeared in Tunisia in the 90s and was fully established in 2012 with the creation of JET, the Confederation of Junior-Enterprises of Tunisia, which is a support structure that came to supervise and guide the Junior-Enterprises in their work and training and represent them worldwide.

The Network counts today 37 Junior-Enterprises placed in several universities from more than 13 governorates across Tunisia and provides over 92 different services related to a range of 23 fields and domains such as business and management, marketing, design, etc…

Therefore, uniting more than 1700 young Tunisian Junior entrepreneurs under the same values “Commitment, Diversity, Professionalism, and Integrity

The event you don’t want to miss :

The JET mainly aims at integrating these future leaders into professional life by organizing events and seminars where they will be able to develop their self-confidence, gain entrepreneurship expertise at an early stage of their careers and add practical experience to the academic knowledge they acquire in universities.

JETSS, JET Spring Seminar, which returns for its 4th edition this year in May 2022, aims to expand the knowledge and skills of Junior Entrepreneurs who wish to become part of the future Executive Boards and is a great example of the role of Junior Entreprises of Tunisia – JET. 

Conclusion :

Being a Junior entrepreneur opens a huge gate to professional opportunities as these lucky students distinguish themselves and excel in both hard and soft skills such as project management, teamwork, presentation skills, public speaking, and leadership qualities as well.

What are you waiting for to join the network?

Picture of Aziz Chaibi
Aziz Chaibi
Cofondateur et Manager chez Yaluna

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